
27 April 2006

No More Reading Recovery!

Not sure if everyone knew but Alena was having trouble with reading so the school placed her into a Reading Recovery Program. Each night we would get two to three books that Alena would have to read. She also had a work to do with a sentence the teacher and her would think of a sentence together and then the teacher would chop it up, so Alena would have to put it back together (like a puzzle).

So I get this phone call from Alena's reading teacher and she said that Alena was tested and she did FANTASTIC!
She tested out of the program and is now reading at 1st grade early 2nd grade level.

WooHoo!! That called for an ice cream night!!

Night at the Book Fair

So I volunteer to work the Alena's schools book fair. Hey, we got a free book out of it. Plus, I love books, Alena and grandpa love books so I figure it's a good evening out for everyone. Well almost everyone grandma got bored after a quick survey of the stands so she found a quiet corner to retreat to where she could still see all the action. I do think she enjoyed watching us going from booth to booth, with the children in a candy store syndrome.
it was pulling eye teeth trying to get grandpa and Alena away from the books. Alena kept picking books and picking books and just couldn't decide which ones she wanted to take home with her.
By the end of the evening we had four new books to add to our library, so home we go to start reading!

25 April 2006

Alena goes to the book fair.

My Alena called and she is so excited she got a "good" ticket at school yesterday and because of this she was given a free book at the book fair.
She's so excited she had to read the first two pages to me over the phone.