
02 October 2007

Happy Birthday Paityn

So my little granddaughter 1 year old. She's such a wonderful part of my life I didn't think i'd be okay with being a grandma and everything that was going with my son and me and me and trina. In the end it doesn't matter because she's beautiful and it absolutely makes my day to see her picture, hear her little voice and spend every moment that I can with her.

17 August 2007

A Whole Rainbow

Alena and I watch Dog the Bounty Hunter and if you don't know they originated from Denver Colorado but film majority of their show in Hawaii and live there as well. So we are watching the show and they are in Hawaii and they show a picture of a rainbow and clear, huge beautiful rainbow and Alena says that's really pretty mommy. We go to bed and I don't even really remember and she looks at me and says mommy I wish I could see a whole rainbow. I didn't really understand at first and almost like she knew she said when we get rainbows we can't always see the whole thing we only see a small part of it or it's kinda faded and I said yeah that is true. She said maybe God will let me see a whole rainbow someday.Today we come home it's a little cloudy but a nice evening and Alena comes yelling up the stairs mommy mommy get the camera! I go flying out of the apartment thinking something is wrong and there she is on the stairs saying there's my rainbow it's BIG and I can see all the colors.With tears in my eyes and shock in my heart I run inside, get the camera and go downstairs. There it is the biggest clearest rainbow I think i've ever seen! She's so excited she's just running around saying isn't it pretty and telling all her little friends look look at my rainbow and really none of them seem to see the wonderment, they just see a rainbow.
The pictures I took do absolutely no justice to this beautiful gift from God to my daughter.

13 July 2007

3rd grade

Miss Alena started 3rd grade and OMG the time has just flown and she's grown so much it's unbelievable. She's such a joy I wake up in the morning and just look at her face it's still so soft and round she still looks like a little girl, not like some of the other girls she goes to school with they not only try to act grown up but they dress and look grown.
She unfortunately has the same teacher as last year i'm not so thrilled and neither is she but she's so positive about things she just says "mommy it'll be a good year, everything will be alright"
So off we go keep fingers crossed she's right!