
22 August 2008

Changing of the earrings

The earrings are fine!! We made it through the 6 weeks and have changed them and all seems to be going great! crossing fingers that it stays that way

I Have a Job!!!

4 months and 3 weeks after officially filing my unemployment I have a JOB!!! I was offered a position with the state of KS as a Disabled Veterans Outreach Program Consultant, in short I will be assisting veterans. Pretty much a job right down my alley don't you think?!
I'm employed..........oh boy time to be a grown up again

19 August 2008

Our goldfish has died

One more bad thing that we can add to our list of while in KS.........
It was just a little fish but it was Alena's valentines present and we enjoyed watching him it brought me peace and a calmness I can't really explain. It was also something that we had gotten in Colorado and now as silly as it may sound that's gone one more thing that is gone.

17 August 2008

Alena's various sides

Alena has decided that she would like to play volleyball this year i'm happy it'll keep her busy and maybe she'll meet some new friends! Great!
So three days later Alena also decides that she would like to play flag football although i'm more thrilled about volleyball and don't get me wrong I do love football I am a little more leary about this decision, but okay I give i'll sign her up for football too, hey more active and maybe more friends.
The next week Alena has now decided that she would like to participate in the cheerleading clinic with the high school cheerleaders, this one not so thrilled about at all but she loves cheerleading and has always done clinics when they are available because i'm trying to be the supportive mom and let her explore all interests and hey even more active and maybe maybe more friends.
We are almost done this past week she found out that one of the girls in her class goes to AWANAs (church youth group) so NOW she would also like to be a part of that.
Whew OMG so to recap flag football, volleyball, cheerleading and AWANA's yep that's everything...............for now.
Now all I can hope for is that she meets lots of new friends and enjoys all these activities she has signed up for.

12 August 2008

Got my grades

I have finished two more classes whoohoo I just got my grades on my finals and I got A's on both!!! So I completed both classes with A's, whew. I'm taking two more classes and one of them is a little harder but i'm crossing my fingers that I keep my grade point average up.

11 August 2008

Ronald "Ronnie" Schmidt

This is the handsome, young, brave man that placed his life in harms way to fight for this country. His funeral will be held in a couple days and i'm finding out more and more as time goes by. We just found out that one of my mom's friends has been taking care of him for the past few years, he needed a family and a place to call home and he found it with them. The were notified of his death on Sunday morning, and I can't imagine the pain they must be feeling.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all the friends and family that know this young hero.

05 August 2008

Today is good!

I had a fantastic morning I had an interview with a district court judge and he was so nice and made the interview so much fun. Anyway just wanted to share a really good moment for me!

04 August 2008

One Month

It's been one month and I wish I could say i'm feeling better about being here, BUT i'm not. It's one of those emotions that I can't explain very well. I can only say that I feel bigger then this place, I have dreams and goals that seem larger then I can accomplish here. I feel suffocated, like I can't breath and when I look at tomorrow I don't see anything, not a better day, not a bigger dream, nothing.
Maybe i'm just being an over dramatic bitch cuz i'm living in a small town, but I feel like i'm just stuck in this small town. I do love small town living my biggest problem is this town there is no small town living it's just a town that won't grow.
I really do hope that when I get my job, please keep fingers crossed for me:), that these feelings will go away and I can find some peace especially for my daughters sake.
Alena seems to be doing well and i'm going to try to not be so negative because I know that some of my emotions will affect her and then it won't be the way she truly feels.

03 August 2008

KIA from Newton

Paul text me this evening and told me that one of his buddies from high school was killed in Iraq. Don't really know the details right now and even though I don't know this young man I feel a small loss. Not only is he from the community that I live in, my son knew him but being in the military, I'm not sure that others feel the way I do but no matter what branch of the service I feel like we are all bonded like brothers and sisters.

01 August 2008


We enrolled Alena for school Slate Creek Elementary I'm not sure that it's the one she wanted but it's the one that had the room and was in our district. She has also come to the realization that school here is so much different then in Aurora, they don't as many breaks and the school day is longer, and there are no buses. We get to meet her teacher and see her classroom a couple days before school starts which by the way is officially in 2 weeks. We'll keep you up to date on how things are going

UGH i'm in trouble

I get this phone call that Alena has won a prize she entered a contest a long time ago and she has won a prize for her entry, this should be great news right!?!? Well the contest was entered in Colorado through her school, and the big party is going to be on Wednesday, so I had to tell her and man is she NOT happy with me!!!
I contacted my friend and she's going to pick it up and mail it to her but boy that's just not the same thing!