
30 January 2009

What to do

How do you handle having family that believes they do no wrong! they blame everything that is wrong on everyone else adn will no take responsibility for anything they say or do and honestly they say things like "I really don't know what happened" and their the ones that did it or said or they were involved somehow!!! It's nuts crazy absolutely insane and here I am living in the middle of all their utter insaneness.
What the heck kinda family ignores the fact that family members are living, breathing existing less than 10 miles away.
I always believed that I came from a strong, loving, caring family was I so very wrong!!! Sadly I have to say that I was very wrong!


Christi said...

There are always people in California who love you! Come on out! Pssst... there are cute guys too. Even if they are Marines!