
26 February 2009

CLO - Chief Laughing Officer

this will be a blast from the past for some of us. He was great to work with and work for. In my opinion one of the most amazing men I will ever know. Follow the link below to see a familiar face.

Twilight/Pocket Edward and Lauren

I read the Twilight books at Christmas LOVED them can't say that enough! I found myself completely immersed in the story line and OMG the characters are wonderful. Anyway, no one from work or in my family have read the book sooooo no one can really share my enthusiasm for this overwhelming addiction I have come to have. EXCEPT my wonderful friend Christy, she loved the books and has seen the movie uhm i'm not sure how many times and on her blog she posted a link to this blog about Pocket Edward. OMG you have to check it out its great and hilarious and makes me want to get myself a Pocket Edward. So go on click the link, read, laugh and follow the Adventures of Pocket Edward and Lauren!

23 February 2009

One of the only really fun things about being here in KS is the fact that we get to spend all kinds of time with Miss Paityn. She is such a character and she adores her Auntie Alena, she is by far one of her favorite people in her little life. We spend weekends with them sometimes and this is how her and her Auntie spend a lot of their time in the playroom tonight grandma (that would be me) had to tuck them in and then put all the babies all around them. Paityn ever so carefully would show me exactly where she wanted each baby to be. Alena (the best little Auntie)sat quietly and patiently while Paityn made sure that everyone was where they needed to be.

This lasted all of about 5 min and then it was "Auntie comon" and with a little wave of her hand off they went onto something new.

22 February 2009

Saturday with the W's.........oh and Heather

Went to drop off the Pampered Chef order to my friend in El Dorado had not intention of spending the entire day but we did and we enjoyed the change of pace. When I left KS I pretty much severed ties with just about everyone EXCEPT, the Comers' and the Carnes' funny huh n then me Campell lol ok im having a dork moment right now ;). Shortly before I moved back to KS so did my wonderful friends the Comers' which was phenominal news to me and didn't leave me feeling so untterly alone because my other wonderful friends the Carnes' only 2 short months before my return had packed up and moved to CA. The live in El Dorado which isn't far from Newton but being is KS it is an extremely boring drive but we both have made the trek back and forth to visit each other and it has been enjoyable.

I don't normally get adult conversation after 5:00 during the week and many times even during the weekend cuz it's normally just me and Alena so it's nice to sit and talk with another adult. Heather has 3 young boys and husband J.C. works a lot of hours so I think she enjoys the change of company and conversation too. Alena is not used to being around boys or younger children other than her neice Paityn, and she is so funny to watch with them and they are funny to watch with her too. It's that older girl thing going on ;).

Every time i'm with them that saying "boys will be boys" consistently comes to mind because they are such boys and I have to laugh because although I only had one son he always friends over so I remember boy do I remember the energy, activeness and constant movement.

So all three boys names begin with W which is cute to me all by itself, but to watch them together for some reason it makes it just that much more cute. They all are the perfect 50/50 split of both of their parents and every time I see them it amazes me how I can see both Heather and J.C. in each of their little faces.

21 February 2009

Girls Night Out

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19 February 2009

Gonzalez Family Reunion

I volunteered to take on the Family Tree wow we have so many people now it's seems like I just competely lost site of the fact that we were already big and now all those cousins that are younger than me are now old enough to have children. I'm excited I hope that everyone will like what i've done I think it'll look good BIG but good. I'm taking print outs to the next meeting so we'll see.

15 February 2009

spent the day at the Equifest saw so many beautiful horses. the day was wonderful, the girls had such a good time, there was so much to see and do.
These were a couple of the hundreds of horses we saw these two gorgeous creatures are Friesians they were huge and big babies too. The man standing on the side of his horse stood about 6'3" probably and the horse was just a bit taller than him.
The other horse was an american gypsy wonderful patient gorgeous but they cost as much as a vehicle!

11 February 2009

Aunt Ramona

Ramona Sifuentez, our beloved great-great Aunt who has been very sick passed away this passed weekend. Since our return to Newton Alena and I only saw her once and she was extremely sick and going to the doctor I regret that I allowed for our lives that at the time seemed to very busy right now I realize really weren't that busy and we could have made the time to visit her.
I always loved going to her home, it wasn't anything fancy but we always walked in feeling like it was home, we were always greeted with open arms, smiles and laughter, there was music or talking and a constant buzz that was just comforting.
I know that she will be missed but I also know that she is okay now and with our Uncle Joe her wonderful husband.

07 February 2009

Alena and the Moon

Alena has always had a fascination with the moon she loves to read about it watch it learn what the phases are, she felt so luck that this year for her big 10th birthday it was a full moon and she loved it so very much she believed it to be the second most beautiful moon she'd ever seen.
So for her i've added her glorious moon

Miss Paityn my wonderful little granddaughter has taken to singing, lol very loudly, offkey but full of passion and expression. She loves Pinks So What and Aleshia Keys, No One BUT on any given day she will belt out just about anything, the names of her dogs, all the animals, our animals everyone in the families names or just random words. Anyway she gives me a smile so i'd thought i'd share it hoping it give someone else a smile too.

06 February 2009

Ugh me in a picture Part II but for good reason

In the wonderful picture from L to R you will see Phil, Anna, yours truly, Kevin and Levi (who we oh so lovingly refer to as Little Levi the LVER). Phil, Anna, Kevin and myself are DVOPs, Disabled Veteran Outreach Program Specialist...hold on why I catch my breath or how bout just veterans representatives and of course there's Little Levi our LVER the Local Veterans Employment Representative see why we just say LVER?!

So anyway, we just recently found out that the Vet Staff (that would be us :)) in Wichita has been awarded the Local Office of the Year, Phil has been awarded the DVOP of the year, and Levi the LVER of the year.

Now I know that i've only been with the office staff 4 months out of the year 2008 but I'm taking the attaboy right along with them!

whoohoo US!!!!

Ugh me in a picture part 1

Okay so i'm usually not one for pictures I hate them I think I look horrible, but considering this is the only picture of me in oh about 7 months I figured I'd share it and at least give my children and grandchildren something to look at. So here I am in all my glory that would be desk and nice cushy chair, yeah I have a window well three windows to be exact and are you ready........I have a door!!