
22 February 2009

Saturday with the W's.........oh and Heather

Went to drop off the Pampered Chef order to my friend in El Dorado had not intention of spending the entire day but we did and we enjoyed the change of pace. When I left KS I pretty much severed ties with just about everyone EXCEPT, the Comers' and the Carnes' funny huh n then me Campell lol ok im having a dork moment right now ;). Shortly before I moved back to KS so did my wonderful friends the Comers' which was phenominal news to me and didn't leave me feeling so untterly alone because my other wonderful friends the Carnes' only 2 short months before my return had packed up and moved to CA. The live in El Dorado which isn't far from Newton but being is KS it is an extremely boring drive but we both have made the trek back and forth to visit each other and it has been enjoyable.

I don't normally get adult conversation after 5:00 during the week and many times even during the weekend cuz it's normally just me and Alena so it's nice to sit and talk with another adult. Heather has 3 young boys and husband J.C. works a lot of hours so I think she enjoys the change of company and conversation too. Alena is not used to being around boys or younger children other than her neice Paityn, and she is so funny to watch with them and they are funny to watch with her too. It's that older girl thing going on ;).

Every time i'm with them that saying "boys will be boys" consistently comes to mind because they are such boys and I have to laugh because although I only had one son he always friends over so I remember boy do I remember the energy, activeness and constant movement.

So all three boys names begin with W which is cute to me all by itself, but to watch them together for some reason it makes it just that much more cute. They all are the perfect 50/50 split of both of their parents and every time I see them it amazes me how I can see both Heather and J.C. in each of their little faces.