
22 September 2008

First Volleyball game of the season

THEY WON!!!! they did so good Alena was a little nervous and didn't do so good on the first set but got warmed up and did great on the 2nd and 3rd. She served 4 straight and got a point every time. Hit the ball a few times and made it over the net for a couple points.
Both teams were really doing a fantastic job on serving and making the attempt to get the balls and help each other.
I think they are going to have a great year


19 September 2008

GO Railers!!!

Alena had her big time in the spot light on the football field. The weather was fantastic just a little nip in the air great sweatshirt weather, the game was exciting and Alena had so much fun! They got to stand on the sidelines with the older cheerleaders and they would prompt them when to cheer. During the half time they did a little dance and cheer and they did little three girl lifts onto their knees boy did they think that was something!! They were all so cute with their little shirts on and jumping up and down, trying to do what the big girls were doing.
We had a really great time she was so happy out there.


I'm sorry to all of you that have to wear normal clothes!! This is horrible getting up everyday or really I try to go through this horrible endeavor at night!
You gotta pick out the pants and the top does this go with that no that what about this, and then like that's not enough you gotta get the shoes.
Ugh I so miss my uniform my hardest decision was hmmm should I wear a jacket or sweater today and gosh do I miss my boots!
I know it'll take time to get used to this but geez i'm not sure i'll ever really like it.
whew okay I feel a little better

Raiders First Game

We get to the field 5 minutes late so we are both irritated gotta love those trains!!!! But she runs out, gets her flags and gets into position.
The game before her is running late so her coach and team have some extra time to talk and practice and calm down a little. I take a walk and look around the fields at the other teams and I notice two other teams that have one girl each, they were all so cute and i'm glad that Alena isn't the ONLY girl on the whole league and I think she'll be happy too.
game was suppose to start at 715 but didn't get started til 740.
So off we go the game is under way and they start with a bang!! Touchdown on the first play!
Alena seems to be okay doing what she's suppose to be doing blocking like a champ so much so that a couple times the play was over and she was so intent on what she was doing she didn't know it.
She snagged a few flags!!! She knew her job was to stop the GB from throwing that ball she got through and snagged that boys flag.
At one point a mom stops to talk to one of my friends that happens to be there and she tells him that her son came off the field saying "that girl hurt me" I had to laugh a little :)!
Last plays of the game and the coach gives Alena the chance to run the ball first time she gets down field a little not much but the next time she does pretty good and gets just a little farther.
She did great and I think she had a good time and They won!!!!!

18 September 2008

We've started Awana's

Another activity is under way last night she started Awana's and she seemed to really enjoy it. She is tasked with learning and memorizing different passages and they have all kinds of children's activities during the evening last night they were all so cute it was some kind of obstacle night and they got to wear camoflauge stuff.
She knows a lot of the children from the bible school and there are some in her group so that made her happy.
Her first booklet that she has to get through has seven sections and each section has two passages from the bible that she must memorize and understand what they mean, I love it we lay in bed and read over the passages and then talk a little about what they mean to her.
Once she gets through this they she graduates into a larger book and gets her T and T tshirt that they are suppose to wear every week unless there's something going on that they get to wear something else.
Oh and by the way T&T is Truth and Training that is the level she is enrolled in.

15 September 2008

State Fair

Mom worked her bum off during the fair and scored us some tickets whoohoo Alena and I got bored and took off Saturday evening to go to the fair! It was starting to get dark and lights of the rides were starting to glow, the music was playing and you could hear the screams of everyone already enjoying the rides. The smell of cotton candy, popcorn, corndogs and funnel cakes filled our noses and made our tummys growl and mmmmm yummy come out of both of us as we starting running to the ticket booth.
We bought our tickets and started walking round making a mental note of the rides that we wanted to go on. Alena of course picked the first fast, spinning thing she saw(my stomach and head already hurts), I pick this handglider ride and yes goes in a circle but not that fast AND THEN we both turn around and see the greatest ride ever! This ride looks like a pendulum there isn't swining back and forth almost to the point of flipping completely around but just when you think its going to it drops back the other way. We stand and watch for the ride to end and everyone seemed so pysched! The seats are positioned four to a side and there are 6 sides total so we are all facing inward if the sides would have been connected it would have been like a hexagon, so your bum is on the seat but your feet are hanging down. what Alena and I had missed was the fact that at the beginning of the ride you spin in a circle right in the middle and then slowly at first the ride starts to sway side to side, the spinning slows down but the intensity of the back and forth motion gets stronger. Right before you reach the highest point of the swing upwards you turn just a little so you are either facing straight up and looking at the sky OR you are facing straight down and looking at all these peoples faces looking up at you or maybe just the ground.
Okay so we decide that we are going to save that ride for last cuz it looks the best! We move on.
We see the boat that simply swings you back and forth which is cool and then we see this cute ride it has little cars that are shaped like mice and the tracks are hot pink Alena thinks this looks like a cute ride so she picks that as our first ride BOY were we WRONG!! We get on this thing and take off it's very slow and has resembles a roller coaster click, click click slowly up the track and wham it drops you down the other side you come to a bend which the people that are sitting on the outside seats are hanging over the edges the turn is extremely!!! sharp!!! and only happens seconds before the bend almost giving you the feeling that you are NOT going to turn. A couple more turns and dips and you think okay this is fun, but Wham another shocker your car starts to spin just before the turn so now you may or may not be facing forward when you make that sharp turn.
Anyway, it was a blast Alena and I had soooo much fun!!!

13 September 2008


She's off to cheer clinic for the day, I walk into this gym filled with little girls bouncing everywhere! in shorts, skirts t-shirts and their all done up in ponytails high on top of their heads so when they bounce around their hair follows right along. Mom's sitting on the bleachers yelling and clapping cheering their little cheerleaders along.
Alena of course is shy and just tries the best she can to blend in and then they start to play a game to get the girls warmed up and involved break the ice a little and most of them get this look of utter fear on their face and you can tell they are all thinking please don't pick me!!!
So they form this big circle and the older cheerleaders start to chant, clap and dance around the circle and Wham they stop in front of a girl do a little clap or kick or jump whatever and then they are suppose to switch places and the girl from the circle is suppose to mimic what they did and then start clapping and moving around the circle until the chant stops and Wham they get to pick a victim, Ahem I ment next little girl.
But by the time the game is over almost all of them are laughing and participating so hey the game worked and most of the moms left.
So i'm off to clean and do laundry

12 September 2008

Volleyball has begun

The first volleyball practice she's so excited and i'm happy for her really hope she likes this sport cuz I think she'll be good at it and it's one mom really likes! Her coach is nice some of the girls are a bit snotty but hoping they'll warm up they also have an advantage over some of the other girls because they went to a volleyball clinic over the summer. This can be good or bad cuz they do act like they know everything and they get annoyed when the coach is showing everyone what to do and they don't feel they need to be shown.
Alena did really well she can serve it's a little crooked at times, she can bump with her arms and return pretty well too. She needs to relax a bit so she move around a little more but hey its a work in progress and so far she loves it!

11 September 2008

So all activities are in full swing and our calendar is FULL!
Mondays volleyball games, Tuesday football practice, Wednesday AWANAs, Thursday football games, Friday cheer at football game following volleyball practice, Sat cheerleading clinic followed by volleyball practice.
Sunday sleep, rest, clean, rest, eat, rest yah right she'll have that day filled with something soon i'm sure.

04 September 2008

Flag Football

Today was the first practice for football, Alena was excited and nervous. The lady that signed her up said that normally there are a few girls that sign up to play so she's excited to see who might be on her team. Everyone starts to arrive, practice begins and guess what Alena is the only girl, I ask a couple of the parents if they know of any other little girls and they said no not on this team. I asked about the other teams and again no not on any of those either but there might be.
So with a little attitude she's out on the field and not so happy to be there. Her brother encourages her and gives her a thumbs up when she does a good job at something so she begins to warm up a little and by the end of the practice she's got a fan club going on on the side lines and not just her family some of the other parents are clapping when she catches a ball or runs it out.
She tells me that she may not want to finish the season she doesn't want to be the "ONLY girl" but she promises me that she will keep going to the practices and give it a chance then decide.
So we'll see how this goes.

02 September 2008

First Day!

It started off really good up at 0545, out with my dogs in at 0600, in and out of the shower 0610, coffee made getting clothes on and my wonderful Alena up on her own at 0640. I'm doing good......right?!
Then without notice or any reason things started going down hill next thing I know it's 0705 and i'm not quit ready yet I still have a few things left to do and I HAVE to be out the door in less then 10 min so that I won't be late and neither will Alena she still needs to eat breakfast.
THEN......for no reason I start bawling just broke down uncontrollably and realize my little vacation and time with my daughter is over and it's time for me to be a grown up.
Anyway, i'm at a training conference now meeting dozens of people that I don't know and listening to a bunch of stuff that i'm trying to decipher so that I can understand....UGH :(.
My day is done and i'm hoping that tomorrow will be better and without tears.............okay well maybe not so many tears.