
04 September 2008

Flag Football

Today was the first practice for football, Alena was excited and nervous. The lady that signed her up said that normally there are a few girls that sign up to play so she's excited to see who might be on her team. Everyone starts to arrive, practice begins and guess what Alena is the only girl, I ask a couple of the parents if they know of any other little girls and they said no not on this team. I asked about the other teams and again no not on any of those either but there might be.
So with a little attitude she's out on the field and not so happy to be there. Her brother encourages her and gives her a thumbs up when she does a good job at something so she begins to warm up a little and by the end of the practice she's got a fan club going on on the side lines and not just her family some of the other parents are clapping when she catches a ball or runs it out.
She tells me that she may not want to finish the season she doesn't want to be the "ONLY girl" but she promises me that she will keep going to the practices and give it a chance then decide.
So we'll see how this goes.