
15 September 2008

State Fair

Mom worked her bum off during the fair and scored us some tickets whoohoo Alena and I got bored and took off Saturday evening to go to the fair! It was starting to get dark and lights of the rides were starting to glow, the music was playing and you could hear the screams of everyone already enjoying the rides. The smell of cotton candy, popcorn, corndogs and funnel cakes filled our noses and made our tummys growl and mmmmm yummy come out of both of us as we starting running to the ticket booth.
We bought our tickets and started walking round making a mental note of the rides that we wanted to go on. Alena of course picked the first fast, spinning thing she saw(my stomach and head already hurts), I pick this handglider ride and yes goes in a circle but not that fast AND THEN we both turn around and see the greatest ride ever! This ride looks like a pendulum there isn't swining back and forth almost to the point of flipping completely around but just when you think its going to it drops back the other way. We stand and watch for the ride to end and everyone seemed so pysched! The seats are positioned four to a side and there are 6 sides total so we are all facing inward if the sides would have been connected it would have been like a hexagon, so your bum is on the seat but your feet are hanging down. what Alena and I had missed was the fact that at the beginning of the ride you spin in a circle right in the middle and then slowly at first the ride starts to sway side to side, the spinning slows down but the intensity of the back and forth motion gets stronger. Right before you reach the highest point of the swing upwards you turn just a little so you are either facing straight up and looking at the sky OR you are facing straight down and looking at all these peoples faces looking up at you or maybe just the ground.
Okay so we decide that we are going to save that ride for last cuz it looks the best! We move on.
We see the boat that simply swings you back and forth which is cool and then we see this cute ride it has little cars that are shaped like mice and the tracks are hot pink Alena thinks this looks like a cute ride so she picks that as our first ride BOY were we WRONG!! We get on this thing and take off it's very slow and has resembles a roller coaster click, click click slowly up the track and wham it drops you down the other side you come to a bend which the people that are sitting on the outside seats are hanging over the edges the turn is extremely!!! sharp!!! and only happens seconds before the bend almost giving you the feeling that you are NOT going to turn. A couple more turns and dips and you think okay this is fun, but Wham another shocker your car starts to spin just before the turn so now you may or may not be facing forward when you make that sharp turn.
Anyway, it was a blast Alena and I had soooo much fun!!!