
15 June 2008


I added the link to my blog but just wanted to write a bit about what i'm doing it's fun I really like it. Shutterfly has developed a create your own webpage for your pictures. so I started adding all my pictures, I wish I had more pictures of my dad's side scanned into the computer but now that I have a scanner I can start working on that.

Moving back to KS and closer to the family has just really gotten me to thinking that we have separated ourselves and it's sad.

I'm extremely happy to be so much closer to my family in Missouri and do look forward to being able to visit more often these past three years have been very hard on Alena and I not being to go and visit and spend time with Grandma and Aunt Cindy.


Christi said...

I like your new layout!

Elisabeth said...

Thanks thought it might cheer me up