
12 June 2008


Alena has been getting homework assignments on people that are considered real life super heros, people like Lance Armstrong a cancer survivor and champion cyclist, Chris Reeve after getting injured he established a research lab for spine injuries. So yesterday she had to pick a real life hero that she knew or knew of and at first she said me, can't lie I was thrilled and happy that my daughter considers me her hero, but I wanted her to take the time to think just a little more about others that she has heard of or read about.
So she finished her other page of homework and then without a comment walked over to a shelf that I keep a picture of a Navy Seal from Colorado his name is Danny Dietz he was killed the year we got here. His services were held the day I official arrived, and every year since then my command has been involved with his memorial and I have been extremely honored to be a part of that.
Okay so back to her homework she picked up Danny's picture and said I choose him, I want to write about him. At the end of her story she wrote "he was a brave, and very strong and he died so that others could be free".