
22 December 2010

Christmas for mom and dad

15 November 2010

Grand Prix Racing

28 June 2010

26 June 2010

First one is here

The smallest egg we had is the first one to hatch she/he was so loud she/he woke me up around 2:30 chirping and I could hear the egg shell cracking. It took her/him til about 6:00 to finally make it all the way out but she/he's here and seems to be doing well.

Waiting patiently

This little is all dry, clean and fluffed out and is patiently waiting for the rest to join. I've seen cracks on a couple of the eggs and a hole so were anxiously waiting to see who's next.

20 May 2010

18 May 2010

5th Grade Recognition

11 May 2010

Miss Kansas

Click here to view these pictures larger

04 May 2010


So I looked and shopped on Craigslist, ebay, the local feed stores and none of the incubators are within a price range that im okay with for just 5 eggs. After some research I decided I could make one!

03 May 2010


Alena and Trina wanted to catch some eggs so I thought why not it'll be fun and really what are the odds that we'll get chicks. Were starting with 5 eggs now i've got to make the incubator.

29 April 2010

Exercise Room

I haven't updated on my great idea for the exercise room, I have cleaned it up and gotten it all arranged like I wanted and then the weather went and got all nice on me so being outside has been what i've been up to lately.
Although on nasty rainy, much to windy days (like today) when I can't do much outside its nice knowing that I'll be able to go downstairs and ride the bike or do a video to keep me stepping in the right direction.

28 April 2010

Working on the yard.........

One of the many things on my to do list was to fix up my yard. It used to be really pretty had a little landscape going on with timbers and rocks, there was flowers and ground cover, my trees were trimmed and I HAD grass!
I used to love to pull weeds and water, keep it nice and neat and pretty, make changes and even mow I could never do the weedeater ugh I was horrible at it but my son would do that for me. Anyway, it was almost therapeutic i'd start to work on the yard and forget about my problems or whatever was going with me and next thing I knew my mind was clear and whatever I started working on is done and it looked great!

Moving to Colorado I had an apartment and did NOT have to worry about lawn work, Oh My Goodness, I got so spoiled! My "yard" was a balcony covered in flowers and plants that weekly I would attend to and was happy doing it.

Fast forward 3 years and here I am back to doing yard work and UGH THIS was therapeutic! This is what I would spend evenings and Saturday mornings doing?! AND enjoy it! so spoiled and so not into it anymore!
BUT about two weeks ago I went out one beautiful evening with absolutely no intention of doing yard work and just wanted to enjoy the beauty of the weather. Next thing I know i'm pulling weeds around the tree, then I moved to the roses, pruning, pulling and then off to the garden area and there it was my bliss, my calm, my therapy.

Alena came over and said "mom whatcha doin" and I stopped and looked up and saw what I had done and it felt so good and looked so much better and so it began my inspiration to make my yard pretty again.
So I talked to Paul and shared with him some of what I wanted to do, and he said he would help, so yesterday he came over helped me clear out the backyard are behind the garage! I was going to do before and after pictures, but again my embarrassment was far to great to share. I shudder now thinking about what it looked like before *shivers*.
I have so many ideas and i'm really hoping that I have follow through, stay focused and determined to finish it and have a beautiful yard to enjoy for the rest of the spring and summer!

Lisa Leonard Designs

Found this really great website I love jewelry especially jewelry that is handmade, unique, and inspirational.


15 April 2010

Paityn and Ayden

10 April 2010

Paityn went to the zoo today

06 April 2010

Paityn found a turtle

Look what paityn found

05 April 2010

Ayden Having a Snack

03 April 2010

Paul and Paityn

Look what paityn is doin

26 March 2010

Scale success

1 small success got my scale! haven't stepped on it yet yeah right give me a break! Ha like i'm going to take that bullet today that is a success for yet another day.

25 March 2010

Scale people vs non-scale people

I've made the decision to buy a scale. I've never been a scale person but I thought maybe it would help with the push and give me some drive, plus certain members of my family that would like to start working out are definitely scale people!
So off I go today to purchase a scale, today this will happen today!

Another Step in my movement for change

This is two stepper I would post pictures but I am utterly ashamed and type this with my head hanging low.
Step 1: I have a fairly large room in my basement that has successfully become the catch all for myself but also other members in my family. Now if it was catching and neatly organizing the "catch all" that wouldn't be so bad, but what started as a neatly organized storage area has now turned into the equivalent of a small junk pile, that once the door is closed I can uncomfortably ignore it. Ugh!
So what to do? Purge! Declutter! Organize!
My goal is to have this completed by Monday.
step 2: Once step 1 is completed I will continue to utilize 1/2 the room for storage because it is nice and convenient having it but I will commit to keeping it neatly organized, but I will utilize the other 1/2 for a workout room. Members of my family have also decided that they would like to join the endeavor to become healthier and fit. So between us we have all kinds of workout equipment and tools that would beneficial so I have volunteered my home as the new meeting place for workout equipment and people.

24 March 2010

I have been talking and talking about starting to workout again yet each day goes by and still nothing. Guess I keep thinking motivation will just sneak up on me smack my bumm and ta-da instant inspiration! Sadly this is not happening so after giving myself a good talking to plus putting on a pair of jeans that well lets just say are not attractive at all, i've decided that YES most definitely I need to take a walk, do a sit-up, maybe some squats!
So there I said it i've committed out loud, verbally, in writing there's no going back, no putting it off any longer!

16 March 2010

Ayden turns 1 year old

13 March 2010

Green Day

The 5th graders decided that since they would be on Spring Break for St. Patricks Day they did not want to miss the opportunity to celebrate so they decided to wear green and have a green day party. Unfortunately, you can't see the green nails polish and she hadn't donned her green jewelry yet.

13 February 2010

Alena's version of the Hubble

Alena had to build a "space themed" container for Valentines Day and she decided she wanted to build the Hubble satellite and here is the finished product. I think she did pretty good. She even added a little bling to make it really her own and in the spirit of Valentines Day.

27 January 2010

I love it.

I was at the Dr.s office with Paityn my granddaughter and Trina. Paityn's Dr. used to be Paul's and Alena's Dr. and now he is taking care of my grand-baby's. Anyhow, Dr. John comes in and we share hello's, the first question from him is "so how does it feel being grandma?" I just don't know that by saying the simple sentence "I love it" expresses enough how much I truly adore, love and cherish each moment I have with my grandchildren and how much I worship them. Hearing Paityn yell "grandma" when I she sees me or Ayden's little face lights up with a huge smile and he wobbles to me makes my heart leap. I get so excited and emotional when I get to see or hear about the things that they do, saying new words, taking first steps, getting a first haircut or doing a funny little dance. I truly believed that being a mom was the best thing and it is I love it, but this, this is so different a feeling that "I love it" only touches the outer edges of my emotions.

26 January 2010

Taking a snooze

22 January 2010

Posted by Picasa

The two 5th grade classes at Alena's school decided that they wanted to raise money for Haiti. They decided to place a wager just to make it fun, so they bet that they losing teacher would have to eat mealworms. They started on Monday and it ended today and yeah they raised $1471.58 that will be sent to Haiti, and Alena's class won by over $20.
The teachers and staff also placed a bet against the students that they wouldn't raise more than $1,000, so those that bet against them will also have to eat mealworms.
Those little suckers are gross but they have two flavors to choose from BBQ or cheddar cheese.

19 January 2010

Visitor Map
Create your own visitor map!

Ran away from home

Alena and I just packed up and ran away. Didn't go far or any where that we haven't been before so for some that might not be a great runaway experience. For me is was grounding and reminded me of just a few of the things that I love and and places that I miss.
I love the big open sky and tons of trees, the chance of seeing deers (yes in plural)walking across your backyard, not being able to see a neighbor right next door, and stars that flood the night sky.
It's not that I do not love the city I find it exciting and beautiful in it's own way. I love walking down a grounded city street and being surprised when you unexpectedly get a smile or a hello. When there's so much going on you just have no idea which direction to go and what to see first.
It is confusing but I would love to have the luxury of both and i'm going to try and figure out just how i'll get it.

11 January 2010

I have decided that I have lost my goals and just simply do what I must do to survive each day. I've tried to think about what it is that I really love to do. Honestly and sadly I no longer know! Goal for this year remember what I like, love and enjoy doing. Discover me again.

03 January 2010


So I was uploading pictures from my camera and came to a sad realization and I began to ponder. I realized that 2009 was an even sadder year then 2008 for me and I want to honestly believe that I am going to make a change. In thinking about all that has happened I also want to believe that if I try just a bit harder I could have made a difference and had better outcomes.
As most of my friends know I was extremely sad to return to Kansas but I truly believed that if I stayed positive and focused it would all turn out alright and I would come to understand the reason behind the fate of my unfortunate return.
So here's my admission of guilt I have not stayed completely and totally focused all of the time. I have not stayed committed to staying positive and having a positive attitude.
Now what to do about it? Kick myself in the ass! Change my attitude! Remind myself that although I may not love it here I do love being close to my son and grandbabies that should count for something, right?
It is a new year and with that I will have new goals, new opportunities, new dreams and of course new failings to learn and grow from.
I will make time for myself I don't really know that I remember who I am any more.
Rediscover Me!